库的很多标准已经被纳入 C++11, 这也说明了 BOOST 库设计得到标准的重视。工作中需要用到 BOOST 的特性来加速开发。以下举例常用到的 utility
BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT()里面可以传入多个参数, 其作用相当于回调函数, 在作用域结束之后程序会自动调用 BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT到BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_END之间的代码。这个在异常捕捉,或者日志打印的时候会非常有用,节约代码。
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| void func (int ans) { bool flag = false; BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT(&flag) { if (!flag) std::cout << "false" <<std::endl; else std::cout << "true" << std::endl; } BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_END flag = ((ans == 1)? true:false); }
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| #include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp> int main( int argc, char** argv ) { string source = "how to live in the world!"; vector<string> destination; boost::split( destination, source, boost::is_any_of( " ,!" ), boost::token_compress_on ); vector<string>::iterator it ; for (it= destination.begin(); it != destination.end(); ++ it) cout << *it << endl; return 0; }
| boost::regex_match(str, boost::regex("^1[3|4|5|8][0-9]{9}$"))
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| #include "boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp" boost::shared_mutex m_rwlock; boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(m_rwlock);读锁 boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(m_rwlock);写锁
#include "boost/thread/locks.hpp" #include "boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp" using namespace std;
//线程安全 class NameMap{
private: boost::shared_mutex m_rwlock; map<uint32_t, string> m_map; public: bool find(uint32_t uin, string & nickname) { boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(m_rwlock); auto it = m_map.find(uin); if(it == m_map.end()){ return false; } nickname = it->second; return true; }
void insert(uint32_t uin, const string & nickname) { boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(m_rwlock); m_map[uin]=nickname; }
size_t size(){ boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> guard(m_rwlock); return m_map.size(); } };